Breast Augmentation Specialists of NYC

Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in New York and around the U.S. Through the placement of silicone or saline implants, breast enlargement can improve the balance and proportion of your body.

Who Can Benefit From Breast Augmentation?

Patients who are in good health but dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts are excellent candidates for breast augmentation. Breast augmentation may be used to:

  • Increase breast volume
  • Create a more balanced appearance
  • Improve body proportion
  • Restore the breasts after weight loss or pregnancy
  • Reconstruct the breasts following mastectomy

After breast augmentation, your breasts will appear more proportionate to the rest of your body. They will be fuller and more prominent, but retain their sensitivity and ability to breastfeed.

Despite its many advantages, breast augmentation may not be for everyone. The best way to determine if you are an ideal candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gotkin.

What to Expect During Your Breast Augmentation

General or local anesthesia combined with sedation will be administered. Once you have been sedated, Dr. Gotkin will make a small incision hidden in the crease under the breast, partially around the areolar margin or in your armpit. The size and position of the incisions will vary based on the type and size of the implant used. Through the incision, a pocket is made usually behind the pectoral muscles. The implant is slipped into the pocket and secured in place with fine sutures.

The two main types of breast implants are silicone-filled and saline-filled, each of which present their own set of benefits and considerations. Dr. Gotkin will help you to determine which type of implant is best for you, which incision makes the most sense for you and other alternatives that may be important in your decision to have breast augmentation.

After Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

After surgery, you will be placed in a soft surgical bra. You will feel more comfortable in the support of a bra. Drains are not used in first-time breast augmentations. You will be able to walk around immediately following the surgery, but should rest for at least a day or two. You should limit strenuous arm movements. The results will be immediately visible; however some swelling and bruising may obscure the final results for several weeks. Shortly after surgery, you may start a process of “massage” to move the implants around the surgical pocket underneath the muscles. Stitches are usually removed in about three weeks. You will continue to wear a soft bra for several weeks.

Recovery times vary. Normal activities can usually be resumed in a few days though intense upper body physical activity should be postponed for several weeks. The chest should be protected from accidental impact and sun exposure for several months. Incision lines will fade and lighten during the 12-18 months following the surgery.

Types of Breast Implants

Silicone Implants

There are two main types of implants used in breast augmentation surgery—silicone and saline. By far the most commonly used in cosmetic enhancement procedures today is silicone. The current generation of implants filled with silicone gel have steadily gained in popularity since they were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in 2006. In fact, of the 290,467 breast enhancement surgeries conducted in the United States in 2016, 84 percent were performed using silicone. The main reason for the surge in popularity is due to the fact that they look and feel softer and more natural than other implant options on the market. By providing a more realistic feel that resembles natural breast tissue, silicone implants are able to achieve the best breast augmentation outcome possible. They also come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, giving you added flexibility when opting for breast augmentation in Manhattan.

While silicone implants are number one on the market for their aesthetic results, they do have some disadvantages. Silicone implants are only an option for breast augmentation for women who are 22 years of age and older (but they are available to women of any age for breast reconstruction). In addition, because of their natural feel and cohesive gel (or gummy bear) fill, it can be difficult to detect if an implant has torn or ruptured. However, there is no evidence that the silicone gel from a rupture implant presents any health problems and these issues are rare.

Saline Implants

Another option for your breast augmentation is saline implants. Once the go-to for breast enhancement, saline implant use has dwindled dramatically with the emergence of innovative silicone gel over the last decade. In 2016, only 16 percent of all augmentations employed this type of implant. Despite the decline, saline implants can still be an attractive alternative for many women. They are FDA-approved for both cosmetic and reconstruction purposes in women over the age of 18. Saline implants are inserted empty and then filled with a sterile salt water solution to the desired level of fullness and firmness once they are in place. That means that a smaller incision is required, leaving much less of a chance for visible scarring as they can be strategically inserted though the darker skin surrounding the nipple or via the underarm by your highly qualified breast augmentation surgeon in Manhattan.

Saline implants are extremely safe, and any issues are typically much easier to detect as opposed to silicone. Should one rupture or leak, the saline fluid is harmlessly absorbed by the body. Because they are filled inside the breast, they are also able to be adjusted after surgery in order to achieve the desired size, shape, and symmetry.

Unfortunately, saline does have its share of flaws. Many women report that they don’t feel or look as natural as their silicone counterparts, with some even comparing them to water balloons. The saline solution is also heavier than silicone, presenting a higher risk of drooping over the years as gravity takes hold and the surrounding breast tissue becomes more lax.

Choosing the Right Implant for You

Aside from the type of implant, there are several other factors to take under consideration when choosing breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan. Many women tend to focus only on what cup size they would like to be. Instead of simply choosing to be a “C cup”, it’s important to address the overall aesthetic breast enhancement will have on your figure. The size and shape of your chest, rib cage, and current breast size will play a role in establishing what’s right for you. During your consultation, Dr. Gotkin will recommend the appropriate size and shape that will complement your natural contours and look best on your body based on these factors.

In addition to appearance, opting for an overly large bust can have a negative impact on your health, often leading to pain and stiffness in the back, neck, and shoulders. They can be uncomfortable on your body and even get in the way, limiting your range of motion. This can have an effect on your ability to be physically active as many women find it difficult to enjoy exercise with extremely large breasts, even with good support from an athletic bra.

Life with Breast Implants

It’s not your confidence and wardrobe that will change after your breast enhancement surgery in Manhattan. Your nipples may become more or less sensitive after the procedure. Your regular mammogram can be slightly more complicated after breast augmentation as well. Depending on the placement, a breast implant may actually have the effect of obscuring x-ray images, making it more challenging to determine if any cancer is present. As a further precaution, the FDA also recommends routine MRI scans every two years for silicone implants, beginning three years after your initial surgery.


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